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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

And it's May!!

So it has been longer than normal for a blog post, but life has been quite busy lately! First of all, Brad and I have been saying to ourselves..I can't believe it's May! Not only does the month of May scream "craziness" for teachers, but it also means we hit the 3rd trimester of pregnancy making it that much closer to a sweet baby boy in our home...wow!! Brad and I both feel so excited about this new-coming experience, and yet we are both a bit nervous too. We are not naive to the fact that it will be life-changing...in a wonderful way, but of course learning to figure it out together will be a fun adventure. I don't know if parenting books, or advice from others completely help until you are actually the parent yourself. It's like teaching. I thought I had studied hard, and took all the teaching classes necessary to learn how to run a classroom...but until I stepped my foot into an actual classroom...I realized how little I knew! Brad and I will both have a lot to learn, and are grateful we have great family and loved ones who are there to help, and we are sooo comforted at knowing that we aren't a lone:) Many of you probably know this is also my last year of teaching. I will stay home with "Baby Z" (he has no name yet so that is what we call him because he started out as a zygote:), so after the school year I will teach one month of summer school then be finished. Hence, my classroom is looking a bit crazy as I am taking down things and trying to organize what to keep and what to give away. Brad has stayed plenty busy at work, he has helped with teaching classes at his company on Wednesdays which requires a lot of leg work to prepare for-- so there is never a dull moment for him. He has also been great at getting the yard going at our new house, and organizing and moving boxes since I am not much help in that area. We hit our 9 month of marriage mark this past week... to all those that have been married for decades, that probably seems like nothing, but for us we just can't believe how fast it's going. And I remind him what a trooper he is because our first year of marriage consisted of me expecting a baby..full of emotions, and feeling under the weather-- and yet he has been more than loving and sweet about it all...I feel lucky and incredibly blessed to have him as my sweet hubby. Friends at school threw a baby shower for me which was so sweet of them! We got some wonderful gifts, and it makes it seems even more real to have items to put in his soon-to-be room! Brad and I have lots of family members that are born in May so it's a busy Month of birthdays..which makes things really fun! We are still working on the baby's name as mentioned prior. My three year old niece suggested the name "Soccer Balls" so we will see about that one:) We are excited to celebrate our wonderful and beautiful mothers this weekend. They both are the sunshine in our lives and we love them sooo much! My hometown has a celebration over Memorial Day called "Scandinavian Days" where my family gets together to enjoy a town celebration so that should be fun. My goal is to be able to walk the 5K..running is a little too much at this point, but walking is doable...I hope:) Also..Brad has a trip to Phoenix planned for the middle of May for work, so that should be a fun outing for him, but I will miss him a lot! We are loving our ward and neighborhood, and love to find time to chill, ponder, and read scriptures whenever we can together.. to help us slow down our busy lives. One chapter that has helped us a lot in our relationship and life in general is Alma 32...read it, it's wonderful! Hope everyone is enjoying their springtime, it's a beautiful time of year!