Loving the Fall Weather!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
June and it's pretty hot!!
Well, a lot has gone on in the past month--keeping it so busy I haven't posted yet...sorry about that!
The big thing is...Brad and I can't get over how close we are getting to having the baby!!:)
Currently, I am at 33 wks. I am feeling pretty good overall--bit of a back ache but totally worth that. He is measuring big so we are headed to the doctors today to see just how big to prep for (cross your fingers for us:) ha!
One year ago....on June 16th Brad and I got engaged, so it's crazy to see all the changes just one year has brought.
Brad and I continue to love our new home and neighborhood...and it's been even more fun to have my brother Brady and
his family move in down the street! We will love having our kids grow up together, and Brad and I have enjoyed some
more auntie and uncle time:)
Saying goodbye to FHMS was really, REALLY hard! After 7 years it made for an emotional day, but I will never forget the
wonderful friends and co workers and students I had there.
Brad and I traveled down to our farm and helped my brother...well Brad helped my brother to give the calves shots and brand them etc. He had fun...I love that I married a man that likes the outdoors:)
This summer I am teaching summer school, but only 4 periods so I go in later and get out early...has been pretty nice.
Brad went on his MANCATION with his high school buddies and loved it...made it hard to come home and get back to work ha!
I have been enjoying some crafting and prepping for the babies room...definitely feeling the nesting stage settle in.
My friend invited me to paint nite and that was pretty cool..one day I would like to take art classes.
Brad and I got a new niece and nephew this past week...and they are beautiful!
Brad is so sweet to do lots of the house work...in fact he gets pretty obstinate about me not doing dishes lately, which is verysweet of him..it's pretty attractive to see a guy doing dishes:)
And my poor dad had knee replacement surgery last week so he is recovering but doing his best to get back to walking again.
We enjoyed our Father's day and I can't tell you how blessed I feel to be surrounded by such wonderful fathers..what a huge
impact for good they make not only on individuals, but on society as well!
Hope you are all having an amazing summer...Brad and I hope to get to the mtns more and enjoy some peace, relaxation, and mother natures amazing beauty!

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