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Friday, January 30, 2015

6 month anniversary mark! Crazy fast:)

So it seems like I was just posting about our 1st month anniversary...it really does go to show, that time moves so quickly. It makes one realize how important it is to take in every single day because time sure marches on! I feel like I get a little mushy but the past 6 months have been so wonderful...I sure love married life! Hopefully Brad feels the same way:) Single life was so different--of course you feel very loved, but at the end of the day you are alone, and that is not the nicest feeling. Brad and I talk often about how we were single WAY longer than we ever would have planned...and yet we learned so much from it...especially to appreciate having that special someone to love! Yes we dated each other for over a year...and of course you learn so much about each other then, but you learn sooo much more about each other when you get married, and that part has been great, it comes with a learning curve but it's good. Moving into our new house--and actually buying the house has been a great new experience...did I cry a few times...yes! Did that weird Brad out a bit...yes! But the boy didn't have any sisters so he is learning of the emotions of girls that come up at times, and he is doing great! Summary-I feel very blessed to be married to the man I love. He is truly an answer to years of prayers and I love that I could be doing anything and nothing with him and still be as happy as ever. I know life has had, and will continue to have challenges for us, but I know and have faith that as we work through these together, we will grow closer in our relationship. I love this quote...and I feel it can be a great motto: Some things on our to do list lately: 1-unpack 2-unpack 3-Go to Ephraim for the wkend for my Dad's b-day 4- Cheer on the Patriots for the superbowl (my 2nd favorite team:) 5-unpack 6-clean 7-take a walk around our new neighborhood.
How time flies in 6 months when having fun! Hope everyone is doing great...Can't believe January is almost over!!

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